I have been visiting Hilton Head since I was pregnant with my first child, and he is now 32. Every time I had to leave here, I would sob as I crossed the bridge from Hilton Head in to Bluffton. Since we now own a home in Pawleys Island, I don’t cry when I leave anymore, but I still get excited when I plan a trip there! It's less than 4 hours from me, and the drive is fantastic. Leaving from Pawleys Island, I go through Georgetown, Mt Pleasant, Charleston, the Ace Water Basin, Beaufort, Bluffton and into HIlton Head. There is no major highway which is great, because as I have gotten older I95 scares the bejesus out of me.
Hilton Head was my first experience with the charm of the low country, and it put its spell on me back in 1989.
When my children were toddlers, we would spend hours in Harbor Town at the playground there. We would stroll around the light house, eating ice cream, window shopping and sitting in the rocking chairs. While we rocked eating our ice cream, we would watch the yachts pull in and out of the marina, secretly wondering who was on board, and what they did for a living. Greg Russell played his guitar under the Liberty Tree, and he still does to this day.
As an empty nester, I still visit several times a year because my mother in law still has her home here. Visiting now without young children, I enjoy long leisurely bike rides, happy hour at the Sea Pines Beach Club, finer dining, antiquing and thrift shopping.
It has changed so much here in 32 years, it’s busier that’s for sure, but some things have not changed. The scent of pluff mud and sea mist, Spanish moss swaying in a gentle breeze, the majestic sight of the light house, the handsome horses at the stables, and the smell of fried food coming from South Beach Marina.
